NDIS Support Services
Koomarri has a team of experienced staff who can help you at all stages of your interaction with the NDIS.
Navigating the NDIS can be challenging but engaging with an experienced provider can help to make the journey a success. Koomarri is a Registered NDIS Service Provider and has experienced staff who can help with all aspects of pre and post-plan management.
Our approach
Koomarri is committed to supporting people with a disability to achieve their life goals, dreams and aspirations. We strongly believe in equality, diversity and respect and our staff focus on delivering a quality service to every individual we support.
Our experienced staff will work closely with you to understand your needs and make sure you are able to access the right supports to achieve your goals and get the most from your NDIS plan.
We can assist in the following areas:
- Pre and Post NDIS Planning
- Coordination of supports and services
- Support coordination
- Specialist coordination of supports
- Financial intermediary services
- Transition planning
If you are interested in learning more about how we can support you to get the most out of your NDIS plan please contact us on 02 6280 6143 or complete the form below and we will get back to you shortly.