Information Technology Courses
Our IT courses provide the foundation to allow students to learn the very basics of how a computer works, and to apply their abilities by learning keyboard and simple programs that are available on any computer.
We offer Beginners, Intermediate and Intermediate Plus levels.
This course helps students use their newly acquired computer skills more confidently, which improves their lives and in turn builds confidence.
The modules we cover in the computer classes include Microsoft Word, Excel and some design:
- Word: keyboard and typing skills, font use, composing letters and other documents, spell checking, use of bullet points, bold and underlining, inserting images, saving documentation, filing and printing skills
- Excel: learning about cells, adding numbers, increasing and decreasing cell size to suit data, numeracy and maths, learning to add figures using Autosum and also learning basic home budgeting
- Design: in Microsoft Paint and in Word, creating flyers and visually appealing documents
An important part of this course is applying repetitive, yet interesting learning applications to increase the understanding of words and numbering from a foundation level. By doing this, students can begin to understand and build on their newly found abilities, and improve on their skills.
Students also have the opportunity to learn about:
- Using the internet safely
- Printer use: scanning, printing in B&W and colour and the paper sizes they can use.
Homework is available if requested.
We look forward to seeing you at our classes, learning essential skills and opening new opportunities to enrich your life.
If you would like to enrol in an IT course, or would like more information please complete the form below.