Our Services

Koomarri provides support for people with a disability across a diverse range of business, training, community and residential initiatives.

Support to find a job
Support to develop skills for work
Support to engage in local community life
Support at home
Support to connect, plan and manage your funding

How we can support you to develop your skills for work

Koomarri has a diverse range of programs and services that are aimed at developing a person's skills for work.

How we can support you to find and keep a job

Koomarri uses a customised employment model to discover a person's talents and interests and then identify roles that provide a best match.

Supported accommodation and flexible in-home support

Using a family governed model of support, we manage a range of in-home and flexible support programs aimed at increasing people's independence.

How We Can Support to connect, plan and manage your funding

Koomarri provides support for you to manage your NDIS plan with services including support coordination and plan management.

How we can support you to participate in community life

Koomarri provides support for people to connect and be actively involved in the life of their local community. Our activities include skills development, hobbies, social groups and more.